Posted on October 15, 2021
Categories: Daily Bulletin


FRIDAY, October 15, 2021


Advisory 8:00 – 8:53

  • 1st 8:56 – 9:46
  • 2nd 9:49 – 10:39
  • 3rd 10:42 – 11:32
  • 4th 11:35 – 12:25
  • 5th 12:28 – 1:18
  • 6th 1:21 – 2:11
  • 7th 2:14 – 3:04

Information for Students/Parents:

  • Students please bring your early dismissal requests to the office before Advisory ends. Your parent/guardian can send a note with the requested time and a contact number so that the early dismissal can be verified and processed by Mrs. Brown in the main office.
  • SCHOOL STORE HOURS IN ROOM 28 Monday – Advisory, 2nd, and 6th periods Wednesday – 8:30am – 8:56am, 2nd, 6th periods Friday – 2nd period
  • NHS Tutoring is beginning before school and after school next week.~https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HLAGZ|IH6DjPjE5Q6yIYzSXQXd8Sg8TAmgSCpzuL08/edit?usp=sharing
  • Are you interested in Chinese traditional or pop culture? CAO (Chinese American Organization) is having their first meeting on Monday, October 18th after school in Room 250.
  • ORIGAMI CLUB will have their first interest meeting on Monday, October 18th after school in Room 8. This is a chill way to spend some time with others and learn something new. Hope you can join us!
  • If you are hoping to learn more about Korean Culture, come to the interest meeting with the Korean Student Association. The meeting will be in Room 204 on Wednesday, October 13, afterschool for more information about joining.
  • Are you interested in learning about Caribbean culture, customs, food, raising awareness and fundraising for Caribbean issues? Please join the CIA ( Caribbeans In Action). We are having a meeting Tuesday, October 19, in room 309 for returning and interested members.
  • Swim Team Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 20th, after school in room 50.
  • Franklin Institute STEM Scholars Program: 9th grade students who are passionate about science! The Franklin Institute runs a FREE four-year program (with paid internship opportunities). The program includes STEM career immersion experiences, Informal/formal science experiences, Personal profile management, College preparation, including SAT/ACT tutoring, Career and technical education, Entrepreneurial education and experiences, Paid research experiences. Find information and the application here: https://www.fi.edu/stem-scholars-program Applications require a letter of recommendation and are due November 15th!
  • Are you interested in graphic novels? Do you like to draw or write and hope to bring these arts together? We are having an interest meeting for the newly formed GRAPHIC NOVEL CLUB. The meeting will be in Room 8 after school on Thursday this week.
  • Boys interested in the Boy’s Volleyball team should see Mr. Leong in room 125 to get important information.
  • CHS Film Club meets on Fridays after school in rm. 307. Interested students should join us there.
  • Any student interested in joining the wrestling team please email Mr. Julien(jdjulien@philasd.org)
  • The Science Olympiad Club meets on Tuesdays if you have any other questions they can be directed to Mr. Fitzgerald.
  • Interested in learning more about and joining the CHS Computer Science Honor Society questions can be directed to Mrs. Lamborn in rm. 120.
  • The mission of Central’s African American Student Union is to support the development of all Black students at Central through providing a safe space for fun, activism, and more! Feel free to DM the AASU Instagram page @chs.aasu for more information and meeting days.
  • Do you know how to manage your money? Do you want to learn how to be financially responsible? ECSIR (Economic Career Self Improvement Research) is a club that aims to teach students about personal finance, career options, and self-improvement through research. Students can expect to explore credit cards, investing, taxes, and good habits to pick up ECSIR will be meeting every Monday, after school in room 227 from 3:00 pm – 3:15pm.
  • Science Tutoring is starting! Tutoring takes place Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30 – 8:00am & 3:10-4:00pm in room 099. Come with questions or no idea where to start….we’re here to help! (Ms. Cohen gmcohen@philasd.org)
  • Any student interested in joining the bowling teams, should see Mr. Johns in the Gym office Room #060. The season will start in December.
  • This announcement is for girls interested in playing Girls Varsity or JV Basketball. Please see Ms. Wesley in room 313 if you missed the information meeting. Athletes who attended the meeting please return your completed PIAA physical as soon as possible to Ms. Wesley in room 313.
  • Freshman & Sophomore Tea Dates Freshman Tea -11/8/2021 ~ Sophomore Tea – 11/15/2021.
  • The Main Office is looking for community service workers for 1-pd, 2-pd, 3-pd. Please see Mrs. Flowers in the main office if interested.
  • The CYA Central Yoga Association club will be meet every Wednesday at 3:15pm in the auditorium .
  • The second Math Madness game will take place on Thursday, October 14th, after school in rm, 95. Our opponents are CATS Academy Boston. Everyone is welcome to participate. Problem solutions and discussion will be after the game is over.
  • The Central Math Club will meet every Thursday after school in rm. 95. If you like challenging math problems and want to participate in multiple national and international competitions, welcome to the club. Math is fun!~Mr. Ovetsky
  • Interested in climate action and community service? Join SEAS, the Student Environmental Action Society! SEAS aims to educate and empower students to take part in their respective communities to work towards conservation and sustainability. There will be many opportunities to strengthen Central’s sustainability measures and promote environmental health in our school community. Meetings are on Thursdays after school in room 403 and will likely go outside to start work cataloging Central’s trees and quantifying the value they provide. DM@seas.chs on Instagram or email Ms. Cohen gmochen@philasd.org about any questions!
  • The Drama Society of Central High School will meet every Monday and Tuesday after school in room 305 – Mr. Burns
  • 283 DAYS at the Football Game I’m excited to to announce that 283 will have the opportunity to show school spirit as a class at two football games. Come in CHS school colors/gear to show your pride! You will need your ID to pay a reduced entrance fee of $3.00 October 22, 2021 – Rally Towels for 283 students
  • UNHEARD meets every Monday in room 3 at 3:20pm with Mrs. Durkee. Anyone interested in joining UNHEARD, which stands for: Uprooting Negligence and Habituating Equity and ANTI-Racism through Real Discussion is welcome to join.
  • Costume Design meets every Tuesday in room 3 at 3:20pm with Mrs. Durkee.
  • LGBT+Club Thursdays, 3:15 – 4:00 PM Thursdays, in Rm. 406
  • Dungeons and Dragons Club 3:15-4:00 PM, Thursdays in Rm. 403
  • Join the Central Voter Engagement Team! Help get Central students to register to vote and share information about upcoming elections. Learn about opportunities to work the polls on Election Day and help increase youth voter engagement and political involvement citywide, and even run for office yourself! Meetings are held on Mondays in Room 307.
  • Parent Information: If you need help with the parent portal please go to https://centralhs.philasd,org-2/parent-portal-information/
  • Mirror, Central’s art and literary magazine, is up and running for this school year. We are distributing last year’s Mirror publication to all advisors this week. Students, you are invited to submit your art and poetry for publication. Look out for signs in your English classrooms that have QR code to submit your work online. All students are invited to join us in reviewing submissions at our Mirror staff meetings on Tuesdays after school in room 108. The first staff meeting will be held on Tuesday, 10/5.

Information for Central Staff:

Reminder send your Daily Bulletin Request to cramseur@philasd.org by 12 noon daily in order for your information to be in the bulletin the next day.

To get in the last word of an argument, be the first to apologize. ~ Life’s Little Instruction Calendar Classics 2021