Technology Department
Room 329
Office Hours
Please see our calendar for days.
8:00 AM – 3-30 PM
The CHS Technology Department manages all of the information systems at the school. This includes the school networks, computer labs, Chromebook carts, printers, website, and software.
If you need internet access for an outside guest or technology for an event, please stop by 329 or email Mr. Innamarato at sinnamarato@philasd.org at least one school day before the time needed.
- Mr. Steve Innamarato, School Technology Coordinator sinnamarato@philasd.org
ALL students will receive a School District Chromebook to be used in school and at home. Students are expected to bring the device to and from school everyday and to fully charge it at home.
Students needing their passwords reset for www.philasd.org or for their school district Google accounts, can see any faculty member.
Due to network policy issues, the only device students can use are the SDP issued Chromebooks. Personal devices will not be able to access the school WiFi.