Daily Bulletin THURSDAY,  MAY 24, 2018

Posted on May 24, 2018
Categories: Daily Bulletin


Daily Bulletin

THURSDAY,  MAY 24, 2018

Any student ARRIVING TO SCHOOL AFTER 2ND PERIOD must report to Ms. Flowers in the main office to be marked present.  -President T. McKenna


HANDICAP PARKING: Please do not park in any handicap parking spot in the lower parking lot unless you have proper tags/clearance.  Multiple cars have been illegally parking in these reserved spots.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.

–N. Vanbuskirk

SCHOOL STORE HOURS – Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 7:30-8:00 AM; Tuesday, Thursday – 3:10-3:30 PM


10th Grade Testing – Late Arrival Grades 9, 11, 12

8:00-11:00 – Testing in Classrooms

8:00 – AP Make-ups

11:00-11:27 – Advisory (Late Arrivals)

1st – 11:30-11:58

2nd – 12:01-12:29

3rd – 12:32-1:00

4th – 1:03-1:31

5th – 1:34-2:02

6th – 2:05-2:33

7th – 2:36-3:04

7:00 – Music Department Show



AP Make-Ups – 8:00

279 Assembly

► REFER TO DAILY BULLETIN on centralhigh.net for more information.  Thanks.

► What do we do after final exams at Central? We have some fun! We’ll hold the CENTRAL SYMPOSIUM on June 8th and 11th this year. These are a variety fun and engaging workshops and presentations offered by staff and students after exams. These can be about your hobbies, sports, art, games, community service, a preview of a class for next year, a kickstart for summer assignments, or just about anything else that you or someone else may find interesting. Workshops can be offered by individuals, clubs, teams, or approved visitors. Please submit your proposals by June 4th! https://tinyurl.com/CentralSymposium2018.  –T. Quinn

► REFER TO DAILY BULLETIN on centralhigh.net for more information.  Thanks.


This Thursday, Central will celebrate the arts.

We hope that it will be enjoyed by everyone through the school day with the Art Expo and into the evening with the Spring Music Concert.

Ways to participate in the ART EXPO.

1. Check out the work on display along the main hallway.

2. Do the Scavenger Hunt!!!



BINGO boards will be handed out during the event throughout the school day.

(The first person to fill a whole board will win a free freshly printed t-shirt!)

4. Demonstrations

Students will be demonstrating techniques in digital design, ceramics, relief and screen printing.

5. Buy a shirt –  $15

Students will be screening shirts on demand.

6. Have your likeness captured by Alpha Barry.  Aren’t we all a bunch of characters?!

7. Take a selfie in front of Central’s very own Starry Night.  If you post online, add #centralartexpo

8. Meet the AP Art students  AP Art students will be sharing their Concentration work.

9. Learn about the Barnes Partnership and collaborative works by Art 2 and Sculpture students.

Then come back at 7 PM, when you can sit back and enjoy the Spring Music Concert.

Please be advised that no checks are to be received from students for the rest of the year.  Cash or money order only – checks will be returned.                                                                                                                A. Donato

Central High School celebrates the arts on May 24th. The Art Expo will take place along the main hallway with an art show, demonstrations and activities for all.  This will be followed by the evening performance of the Spring Music Concert at 7 PM. We hope you will enjoy the celebration!                                                                                                                                                                              A. Keefe

►PACKING SLIPS:  To  Any Staff that has ordered supplies from various vendors, please understand that YOU NEED TO FORWARD ALL PACKING SLIPS to the SOO Office Immediately.  All outstanding orders MUST be closed and they will need to be posted in the “Advantage System”  prior to end of month.  There are numerous orders that must be closed.  Please comply.  -Adelina Donato, School Operations


278: (Rising Seniors)
I have copies of your Summer Reading ‘The Sympathizer’ available for sale at a discounted price of $14.00 at Barnwell Library. Stop in and get a copy for yourself now while they last. Thank you J.Lobron

With the exception of required Summer readings  no books or Chrome Books will be lent out for the remainer of the year.
– Thank you.  – J.Lobron and Barnwell aides
Please return all borrowed books from Barnwell Library. If someone “left” a book that is labelled/stamped “Barnwell Library” in your locker please return it to the library and pay outstanding fines NOW. Unpaid fines are added to the delinquent list. NO graduation materials / yearbooks will be distributed to people who owe money. Thank you for your cooperation. – J.Lobron

► FREE ATHLETIC PHYSICALS on Sunday June 10, 2018, 8:30 at Wells Fargo – Forms available soon.  –R. Drayton

► SUMMER RESIDENTIAL iCAMP ACADEMY for current 11th grade students. iCamp Summer Media Academy: a free week-long summer residential academy at West Chester University (WCU) July 8-14, 2018. The academy is ideal for students who want to develop media skills (games, video, podcasts and audio, web content, etc.) and to share an interest in social change and issues of equity, access, and empowerment.  http://icampwcu.org/

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G1y7tamWfcK10L6RFu8YIc_reejT7YpP/view?usp=sharing.  –A. Keefe

► Students, Faculty, and Staff – JOIN BARNWELL LIBRARY GOOGLE CLASSROOM today!  Access Barnwell LIbrary Card catalog. Access multiple databases for finding legitimate (scholarly) sources of information – Use Barnwell Library and Free Library of Philadelphia resources – Navigate to Google Classroom. Join new class. Use class code: c4dq9e5.  –J. Lobron

► REMAINDER OF THE YEAR – 305 Theater – The school day may end at 3:04, but theater begins in Room 305 (305 Theater)  Attention all performers in search of a stage and creators in search of performers, come together every Monday after school in Room 305. This is not a club, it is a service provided by the Performing Arts Department of Central High School.  For more information see Mr. Burns Rm. 305 (6.18)

► THE FINANCIAL LITERACY & ENTREPRENEURSHIP CLUB will meet every Friday after school in Room 211. Learn how to build wealth with students from Penn’s Wharton School!  -T. Quinn