Daily Bulletin Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Posted on March 28, 2018
Categories: Daily Bulletin


Daily Bulletin

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Any student ARRIVING TO SCHOOL AFTER 2ND PERIOD must report to Ms. Flowers in the main office to be marked present.  -President T. McKenna


HANDICAP PARKING: Please do not park in any handicap parking spot in the lower parking lot unless you have proper tags/clearance.  Multiple cars have been illegally parking in these reserved spots.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.  –N. Vanbuskirk

SCHOOL STORE HOURS – Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 7:30-8:00 AM; Tuesday, Thursday – 3:10-3:30 PM

60 Minute Advisory

Adv.          8:00-9:00

1st              9:03-9:52

2nd             9:55-10:44

3rd              10:47-11:36

4th              11:39-12:28

5th              12:31-1:20

6th              1:23-2:12

7th              2:15-3:04

Wednesday, March 28
.LAB A (1/2 days NO LAB)

. 7:30am Central’s Culture of Dance Bake Sale

. 8:00am 278 Assembly 60 Minute Bell

. 3:00pm Track and Field at Gratz Supersite

. 3:15pm Varsity Baseball vs Masterman – home

. 3:15pm Boys’ Lacrosse vs West Philadelphia HS

. 3:15pm Varsity Softball vs GAMP
Thursday, March 29
Spring Recess – Schools Closed
Friday, March 30
Spring Recess – Schools Closed
Monday, April 2
Spring Recess – Schools Closed
Tuesday, April 3
. LAB B (1/2 days NO LAB)

. 8:00am Mental Health Awareness Seminar 279 Assembly

. 2:00pm Varsity Baseball at Abington Friends – Away

. 3:15pm JV Baseball vs Lincoln –  Home

. 3:15pm JV Softball vs Girls High School

. 3:15pm Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse vs Franklin Towne Charter

. 3:15pm Boys Varsity Tennis At Masterman HS

. 5:00pm 281 Welcome Night
Wednesday, April 4
. LAB C (1/2 days NO LAB)

. 7:30am Caribbeans in Action Bake Sale

. 8:00am Mental Health Awareness Seminiar

. 3:00pm Debate Final Spain Conference Center

. 3:15pm Boys Varsity Volleyball at Northeast HS

. 3:15pm Boys’ Lacrosse vs Boys’ Latin

. 3:15pm Varsity Softball vs String Theory
Thursday, April 5
. LAB D (1/2 days NO LAB)

. 7:30am AKA Bake Sale

. 8:00am Mental Health Awareness Seminiar

. 1:30pm Red Goes Green At The Phillies

. 3:00pm Track and Field at Gratz Supersite

. 3:15pm International Day Auditions

. 3:15pm Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Notheast HS

. 3:15pm JV Baseball vs. Jenkintown HS

. 3:15pm JV Softball at Washington HS

. 3:15pm Varsity Baseball at Lincoln HS


► Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 10:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Mrs. Patricia Clark, Office Secretary.

► REFER TO DAILY BULLETIN on centralhigh.net for more information.  Thanks.


►TRANSPASS LIST INFORMATION – SUBMIT TRANSPASS PACKETS TO THE MAIN OFFICE BY THE START OF 1ST PERIOD.  All students MUST initial next to their name on the enclosed printout. Circle the name of students that DID NOT receive their pass due to absence. If any student’s name is missing on the list, DO NOT ISSUE A TRANSPASS. Send student to the office. Thank You.

► Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 10:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Mrs. Patricia Clark, Office Secretary.


► Faculty: LIBRARY PASSES were placed in your mailbox. Please abide by the “Two per day” protocol. If  a student has a pressing need to utilize library resources simply fill in student library pass and send them on their way. Keep library passes in a safe place as there is a black market for library passes among the student body. Encourage students to use library before and after school:  Library hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Wednesdays 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  -J.R. Lobron

► PRETZEL SALE – ON FRIDAYS.  Price will be the same – 1 – $.75, 3 – $2.00.  -L. Kolsky


► ALL ART AND LITERARY SUBMISSIONS TO THE MIRROR are due by the end of the school day on April 3rd. This is the very last day for submitting your work for the spring publication. Please send your work to submissionsofmirror@gmail.com.  -A. Keefe

► 277 SOCIAL STUDIES GRADUATION AWARD CONTEST ESSAYS AND ORATORICALS Due by April 6th!  – Thanks to the generosity of Central alumni, there are essay contests and oratorical contests available for Social Studies graduation awards. Instructions for each contest are on turnitin.com – TurnItIn Class ID: 17777685   Enrollment Password: lancers.  –T. Quinn

► FREE ATHLETIC PHYSICALS on Sunday June 10, 2018, 8:30 at Wells Fargo – Forms available soon.  –R. Drayton

► SENIORS (277) GRADUATION CONTEST AWARDS – Contests for which students must sit/be present –
1. Omin Brother/Sisterhood Essay Award – 4/4/18 (3:10pm) Ms. Haskins – rm. 203
2. English Philology Award – 4/5/18 (3:10pm) Dr. Hall rm. 102
3. Disharoon for Creative Writing – 4/10/18 – (3:10pm) Mrs. Johnson-Smith – rm. 105
4. Barsky English Award – 4/11/18 – (3:10pm) Mr. McElhenny rm. 226
5. Speaker at Large and James Roebuck Oratorical Contest – 4/16/18 – (3:10pm) English teacher panel – rm. 105
Contests for which students must submit entries – ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN HARDCOPY BY April 20, 2018 3:04pm – Creative Writing – 1) Short Story ( 1 – 4 pages); 2) poetry (single entry); 3) portfolio ( poetry and/or short stories – 5 entries). All entries must be typed with the student name, student homeroom number, and English teacher’s name. If you have any questions, please see your English teacher and/or Mrs. Johnson-Smith at your earliest convenience.   –G. Johnson-Smith

► VOLUNTEER FOR 2018 BLUE CROSS BROAD STREET RUN – Students who are interested in volunteer work for community service hours at the Broad Street Run on Sunday May 6th, 2018 need to log on to http://www.broadstreetrun.com/volunteer/registration.cfm
and register. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Go to the COMMUNITY link and click the ‘Volunteer’ tab. Fill out your information and please choose the organization name (Central High School Track Team) from the drop down menu. Students, YOU SHOULD NOT choose a job because they will automatically assign you to the group job  “Gear Check”.  We do the duty of checking in and returning the personal belongings of the runners. Any questions, please contact Mr. McCray in my office Rm 60 in the gym or email at fmccray@philasd.org. Thank you.  –F. McCray

► INTERNATIONAL CAFÉ:  For any student who wishes to work the café on April 12, the sign-up sheets are posted outside the language office (rm. 243). As language students provide the food, this is everyone else’s way to participate. You must have privileges, be eligible and in good-standing. Thanks.  –R. Rodríguez

► CONGRATULATIONS to the following writers of class 278 for placing in the SCHOLASTIC ART AND WRITING CONTEST: Tiara Bounyarith, Baiyinah Ings, Tina Huynh, Angel Zhang, Dimple Patel, Brenda Krishnawongso, Jared Taylor, Annie Zhou, Marley Schiman, Leila Ibrahim, Joe Mei, Deandra Robinson, and Yesenia Rodriguez all earned HONORABLE MENTIONS. SILVER KEYS went to Tehya Glover, Dayonna Williams, and Mikolaj Ciszekski. Laura Chiu earned the highest honor of a GOLD KEY.  –J. Trott

► CAFETERIA – Staff – If you are letting a student out of class during a LUNCH PERIOD to get lunch, please send student with a note.  –Ms. Williams, Cafeteria Manager

► SUMMER RESIDENTIAL iCAMP ACADEMY for current 11th grade students. iCamp Summer Media Academy: a free week-long summer residential academy at West Chester University (WCU) July 8-14, 2018. The academy is ideal for students who want to develop media skills (games, video, podcasts and audio, web content, etc.) and to share an interest in social change and issues of equity, access, and empowerment.  http://icampwcu.org/

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G1y7tamWfcK10L6RFu8YIc_reejT7YpP/view?usp=sharing.  –A. Keefe

► Students, Faculty, and Staff – JOIN BARNWELL LIBRARY GOOGLE CLASSROOM today!  Access Barnwell LIbrary Card catalog. Access multiple databases for finding legitimate (scholarly) sources of information – Use Barnwell Library and Free Library of Philadelphia resources – Navigate to Google Classroom. Join new class. Use class code: c4dq9e5.  –J. Lobron

► REMAINDER OF THE YEAR – 305 Theater – The school day may end at 3:04, but theater begins in Room 305 (305 Theater)
Attention all performers in search of a stage and creators in search of performers, come together every Monday after school in Room 305. This is not a club, it is a service provided by the Performing Arts Department of Central High School.
For more information see Mr. Burns Rm. 305 (6.18)

► THE FINANCIAL LITERACY & ENTREPRENEURSHIP CLUB will meet every Friday after school in Room 211. Learn how to build wealth with students from Penn’s Wharton School!  -T. Quinn

► RECYCLING PSA: NO TRASH IN RECYCLING BINS, ONLY RECYCLABLES. The Recycling Club will pick up recyclables from classrooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On these days, please place your recycling bin outside the classroom if leaving the door unlocked is a problem! Thank you for your cooperation! – Recycling Club – REMINDER: Recyclables include paper, cardboard, empty plastic bottles, and empty cans. Trash includes chip bags, candy wrappers, tissues, food waste, and pizza boxes.  –J. Campbell


► 280 STUDENTS AND PARENTS: TEMPLE’S UPWARD BOUND AND UPWARD BOUND MATH & SCIENCE PROGRAMS are currently seeking applicants for participation in the program beginning in Fall 2018. Temple UB and UBMS are college access programs that support Philadelphia high school students for their academic success in high school and college – Programming for 9th – 12th graders includes academic coursework and tutoring, college tours, career panels, enrichment activities in social entrepreneurship (UB) or science research (UBMS), and internships – The Temple UB and UBMS program are housed within the College of Education at Temple and managed by Steppingstone Scholars, Inc.

Current 9th grade students who will attend a Philadelphia public high school (district or charter) for the 2018-2019 academic year are eligible to apply. For questions about the program: 215-204-7653 or upwardbound@temple.edu. If interested, please plan to apply at http://education.temple.edu/upwardbound by the deadline of 5:00pm on Friday, April 13, 2018. -E. Chasan

► The OUT4STEM PROGRAM is now accepting applications for summer internships!  The aim of this program is to provide Philadelphia’s LGBTQ youth with STEM-centered mentorship, academic support and career advice in an inclusive, safe space. Students currently in 9th – 12th grades are eligible to apply for the Out4STEM Internship Program at http://bit.ly/2HTcEw3.  Applications are due at 5pm on April 30, 2018.  Apply NOW!  -H. Wardlaw

► This summer, 50 rising seniors from Philadelphia public (traditional and charter) schools will be selected for the 2018 BLOOMBERG ARTS INTERNSHIP. DURING THIS SEVEN-WEEK PAID INTERNSHIP, participants will work at Philadelphia’s leading cultural institutions, attend rigorous professional development workshops and tour our region’s most important cultural sites. This is an excellent opportunity to develop vital professional skills while exploring Philadelphia’s rich arts and culture community. Interns work 35 hours per week and are paid $8/hour for their involvement in this program–that includes orientations, worksite hours, cultural site visits and professional development sessions.
If selected, interns will receive the following benefits:
· SEPTA prepaid weekly transpass (or equivalent) for six weeks
· Free, behind-the-scenes access to cultural institutions
· Lunch and breakfast provided twice a week
· $8/hour to attend all work, trainings, site visits, professional development sessions
The Bloomberg Arts Internship is a seven week program, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., running from June 25 through August 10, 2018. Go to https://philaculture.org/2018-bloomberg-arts-internship before March 30 to apply!   -E. Chasan, Counselor

► THE FORENSIC SCIENCE MENTORING INSTITUTE (FMI) is a non-profit, 7-week, academic program that specializes in teaching the forensic sciences to local high school students. They are offering their annual forensic sciences summer program TUITION FREE for the first time ever. The selection process will be based on merit and student applications as they are seeking dedicated students who have a passion for science, and who would benefit from a hands-on learning environment in a state-of-the-art laboratory. All students in the program will be paired with a mentor and will learn from actual forensic scientists using the same cutting-edge instrumentation deployed in real crime labs.

This is a unique opportunity for students who would like to get a head start by learning the investigational and analytical techniques taught in college-level courses, and the FMI program serves as an invaluable and ongoing resource for college prep. Students are also taught public speaking as they present their research findings, take trips to local universities, enjoy a picnic day, perform in the program talent show, visit the nation’s top private forensic lab (NMS Labs) and act as expert witnesses by presenting their case in a mock court setting in front of a judge with their friends and family watching. They are actively seeking student applicants within the Philadelphia School District and can offer scholarships to qualified students who need assistance with transportation to their teaching facility in Willow Grove, PA.

ELIGIBILITY: Currently enrolled in high school – Sixteen years of age or older by June 25, 2018 – Completion or evidence of enrollment in biology, chemistry, and algebra with passing grades. Availability throughout the duration of the program (weekdays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm). The deadline to apply is April 30th, 2018. Application is available at: https://centerforforensicscienceresearcheducation.formstack.com/forms/untitled_form_2_copy_1.  –E. Chasan

► Every summer AAU RUNS A SUMMER CAMP program lead by high school students. We hire a total of 24 high school youth staff who run a summer camp program for children under the supervision of the Program Director. The summer camp itself runs for four weeks, but the youth staff will go through a week of intensive training to prepare them to run the summer program which includes team-building, leadership development, discussion of Asian identity and history, and training on delivering the summer curriculum. The youth will also spend a week to debrief the summer camp.

We are now accepting applications to our summer leadership program for high school youth from around the city. I have attached a copy of our application to this email (See Counselor Wardlaw for application). Please feel free to share this application with the students in your school. To be eligible, students must meet certain financial and age requirements that are detailed in the application.

If you have any questions, please contact Teresa Engst (Youth Program Coordinator) at teresa.engst@aaunited.org or 215-925-1538.  –H. Wardlaw (3.2018)

► Do you know of a minority student with a 3.0 GPA or above, who may be interested in pursuing a business degree in college? THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS AND POINT PARK UNIVERSITY are once again sponsoring a FREE, in-residence, summer camp for high school students. Camp dates are June 24th – June 29th, 2018, and the location is Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA.  Please use the below contact information if you are interested in this program.  -H. Wardlaw

►The application for to the WEST POINT SUMMER LEADERS EXPERIENCE (or “SLE”) is now available online!  West Point’s SLE gives high school juniors a week to experience life as a cadet to inform their college selection decision.  SLE is a fast-paced program of academic classes, military instruction, physical fitness training, and intramural athletics conducted during the month of June each year.  Interested students must have standardized test scores to be considered for SLE.  The application may be found here or at https://candidate.usma.edu/guest/SLS/dad_sls_part1.cfm. The application deadline for the SLE is Friday, March 30, 2018.  Candidates have the option of picking one of two sessions – Session 1:  June 2-8, 2018 – Session 2:  June 9-15, 2018 – Please find answers to “Frequently Asked Questions” linked here.  If you have any questions about the SLE, or West Point Admissions in general, please direct them to David Williams at david.williams@klinespecter.com.  David C. Williams – Kline & Specter, P.C. – 1525 Locust Street, 19th Floor – Philadelphia, PA 19102 – 215.772.2472 (Direct Dial) – 215.735.5827 (Fax) – david.williams@klinespecter.com.   –H. Wardlaw

► SUMMERSCIENCE@JEFFERSON RECOMMENDATION FORM – Application Deadline – March 30, 2018 – You are being requested by a student in your high school to complete a recommendation form for their acceptance into the SummerScience@Jefferson program.  The student can provide you with an overview of this program.  Based on your knowledge of the student, please complete the recommendation form below.

APPLICANT NAME – HIGH SCHOOL – INDIVIDUAL COMPLETING THE RECOMMENDATION – CONTACT EMAIL – RELATIONSHIP TO THE APPLICANT – From your interactions/observations with this applicant, please rate the applicant on the following:

(Please respond to all questions.)

Very High Very High Average Low
Demonstrated interest in the sciences & research
Demonstrated level of academic ability
Demonstrated respect and appropriateness of classroom behavior
Demonstrated ability to collaborate as a member of a team
Likelihood of benefitting academically from this program
Likelihood of benefitting personally from this program

In 500 words or less, please describe why you recommend this student to participate in the SummerScience@Jefferson program and how this program can be beneficial to his/her collegiate and career goals.  See Counselor Wardlaw for more details.

►277 SCHOLARSHIP AND COLLEGE INFO POSTINGS are available on the Central HS Counselors 277 Google Classroom. For questions or access please contact Ms. Chasan.