Daily Bulletin Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Posted on January 9, 2018
Categories: Daily Bulletin


Daily Bulletin

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


HANDICAP PARKING: Please do not park in any handicap parking spot in the lower parking lot unless you have proper tags/clearance.  Multiple cars have been illegally parking in these reserved spots.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.  –N. Vanbuskirk

SCHOOL STORE HOURS – Mondays – Fridays – 7:30 – 7:55. AFTER SCHOOL:  Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays – 3:10 – 3:30.  CLOSED Wednesdays After School.

Regular Advisory

Adv           8:00-8:25

1st              8:28-9:22

2nd             9:25-10:19

3rd              10:22-11:16

4th              11:19-12:13

5th              12:16-1:10

6th              1:13-2:07

7th              2:10-3:04
01/10/18 Wed

STD Testing
·        LAB D (1/2 days NO LAB)

·        7:30am Computer Science Club Bake Sale

·        3:30 – 5:00pm Debate

·        3:15pm Girls JV Basketball vs Frankford HS – Away

·        3:15pm Girls Basketball (Varsity) vs Imhotep Charter School – Home

·        3:15pm Wrestling vs Mariana Bracetti Academy Charter School – Home

·        6:30pm HSA Mtg. Spain CC
01/11/18 Thu

STD Testing
·        LAB E (1/2 days NO LAB)

·        Belly Dancing Association Bake Sale

·        3:15pm Girls JV Basketball vs Lincoln HS – Home
01/12/18 Fri

STD Testing
·        LAB E (1/2 days NO LAB)

·        3:15pm Girls JV Basketball vs Northeast HS

·        3:15pm Wrestling at Washington

·        5:00pm Boys Basketball (Varsity) vs Carver E & S
01/15/18 Mon
·        Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Schools Closed
01/16/18 Tue
·        LAB A (1/2 days NO LAB)

·        SALSA Bake Sale

·        8:00am Keystone Winter Testing Algebra Auditorium

·        3:15pm Boys Basketball (Varsity) vs Lincoln – Home

·        5:00pm Boys JV Basketball vs Lincoln HS – Away

·        6:00pm 278 Ring Ceremony Romano’s

01/17/18 Wed

·        LAB B (1/2 days NO LAB)

·        7:30am Girls’ Varsity Basketball Bake Sale

·        8:00am Keystone Winter Testing Biology Auditorium

·        3:15pm Girls JV Basketball vs Masterman – Away

·        3:15pm Girls Basketball (Varsity) vs Academy at Palumbo – Away

·        3:30 – 5:00pm Debate


► ATTENTION 278:  THE COOLIDGE SCHOLARSHIP is a full-ride, four-year, merit scholarship that may be used by recipients for undergraduate study at any accredited college or university in the United States. Any high school junior who plans on enrolling in college in the fall of 2019 and is an American citizen or legal permanent resident is eligible to apply. The scholarship application, along with additional information, can be accessed on the scholarship site: www.coolidgescholars.org. If you have any questions regarding the scholarship, the Coolidge Scholars Program can be reached by email at coolidgescholars@coolidgefoundation.org or by phone at (802) 672-3389 ext. 114. The deadline for the 2017-18 Coolidge Scholarship is Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 5:00 PM EST.  -Ms. Chasan

► Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 10:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Mrs. Patricia Clark, Office Secretary.

► REFER TO DAILY BULLETIN on centralhigh.net for more information.  Thanks.


► FIRE LOSS – On Wednesday, December 27, 2017, fire broke out at the home of JOYCE COLEMAN, 400 block of Winona Street, around 2:40 pm. Joyce sustained burns to her legs and forehead.  Everything was a total lost.  She is currently staying with her Aunt. See Ms. Rochelle Flowers, MAIN OFFICE, to help her out with donations.  Thank you for your help.


►TRANSPASS LIST INFORMATION – SUBMIT TRANSPASS PACKETS TO THE MAIN OFFICE BY THE START OF 1ST PERIOD.  All students MUST initial next to their name on the enclosed printout. Circle the name of students that DID NOT receive their pass due to absence. If any student’s name is missing on the list, DO NOT ISSUE A TRANSPASS. Send student to the office. Thank You.

► Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 10:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Mrs. Patricia Clark, Office Secretary.


► Faculty: LIBRARY PASSES were placed in your mailbox. Please abide by the “Two per day” protocol. If  a student has a pressing need to utilize library resources simply fill in student library pass and send them on their way. Keep library passes in a safe place as there is a black market for library passes among the student body. Encourage students to use library before and after school:  Library hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Wednesdays 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  -J.R. Lobron

► PRETZEL SALE – ON FRIDAYS.  Price will be the same – 1 – $.75, 3 – $2.00.  -L. Kolsky


► COMMUNITY SERVICE (1st – 6th Periods) – MAIN OFFICE –  Please stop by the MAIN OFFICE to inquire about community service.  –P. Clark

► STUDENTS: During the week of January 8 through January 12, 2018 Monday through Friday, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health in conjunction with the School District of Philadelphia will be at Central High School to provide required STD PREVENTION presentations and screenings for all students in grades 9th through 12th grade. Teachers in the Social Studies department will let their classes know which day they will be participating in this event. All students must attend these informative presentations. Please be on time for these workshops. Workshops will take place in the Spain Conference Center.   -T. Scott


► SUMMERSCIENCE@JEFFERSON RECOMMENDATION FORM – Application Deadline – March 30, 2018 – You are being requested by a student in your high school to complete a recommendation form for their acceptance into the SummerScience@Jefferson program.  The student can provide you with an overview of this program.  Based on your knowledge of the student, please complete the recommendation form below.

APPLICANT NAME – HIGH SCHOOL – INDIVIDUAL COMPLETING THE RECOMMENDATION – CONTACT EMAIL – RELATIONSHIP TO THE APPLICANT – From your interactions/observations with this applicant, please rate the applicant on the following:

(Please respond to all questions.)

Very High Very High Average Low
Demonstrated interest in the sciences & research
Demonstrated level of academic ability
Demonstrated respect and appropriateness of classroom behavior
Demonstrated ability to collaborate as a member of a team
Likelihood of benefitting academically from this program
Likelihood of benefitting personally from this program

In 500 words or less, please describe why you recommend this student to participate in the SummerScience@Jefferson program and how this program can be beneficial to his/her collegiate and career goals.  See Counselor Wardlaw for more details.


► USE GAP YEAR FAIRS – Don’t miss this year’s Philadelphia USA Gap Year Fairs – event from 1-4 PM on Saturday, January 6 at William Penn Charter School!  PRE-REGISTER: www.usagyf2018philadelphia.eventbrite.com.  USA Gap Year Fairs is a circuit of events that bring together reputable gap year organizations, interested students & parents, high school college counselors, and gap year experts. These fairs provide the public with a broad exposure to gap year programs and the opportunity for face-to-face conversations with professionals in the field. The fair is free and open to the public, so please encourage your students and their parents to attend by sharing this event announcement through email, online event calendars, and social media! Guest Speaker: 1-2 PM – Holly Bull, Vice President of the Center for Interim Programs will kick off the evening with a dynamic presentation explaining the ins and outs of gap year options and offering tips for navigating your gap year research – Fair: 2-4 PM – During the fair, attendees will have the opportunity to speak with 40+ gap year program representatives about their program offerings!  – H. Wardlaw

►277 SCHOLARSHIP AND COLLEGE INFO POSTINGS are available on the Central HS Counselors 277 Google Classroom. For questions or access please contact Ms. Chasan.

► 278 Parents and Students: CARNEGIE MELLON’S SUMMER ACADEMY FOR MATH AND SCIENCE (SAMS) PROGRAM is looking for interested students to apply. SAMS is a 6-week residential summer program targeted to rising seniors of low socioeconomic, first generation, ethnic minority, and DACA backgrounds who are interested in STEM fields. Students will have the opportunity to take for-credit courses taught by Carnegie Mellon faculty, receive SAT Prep, and become exposed to the college experience. This program is free of charge to the student, and a limited number of scholarships exist for book expenses.


SAMS Admission Requirements: Populations: Low socioeconomic, first generation, and/or ethnic minority, & DACA students

Academic Interests: STEM related fields GPA/Grades: Minimum 3.4 unweighted. Students must have mostly A’s and B’s on their transcript. Students must also have A’s and B’s in STEM courses. PSAT Range: 620 minimum in each section – Students below this range will still be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Activities: Students must have some sustained involvement in extra-curricular activities

Curriculum: Students must have excelled in math or science and be in pre-calculus during junior year. Students also need to be on track to have completed 3 years of science by the time they graduate. Some AP course work in science or on track to be in AP course work in science would definitely be a plus. If a student indicates an interest in Computer Science they must be enrolled in at least Calculus or AP Calculus AB as a junior. They also need to have mostly A’s on their transcript. If you are interested in the SAMS program, please contact Ms. Chasan in the counseling office by January 17th, 2018 for more information.  -Elana Chasan