APRIL 10, 2019
- Homeroom 8:00-8:53
- 1st Period 8:56-9:46
- 2nd Period 9:49-10:39
- 3rd Period 10:42-11:32
- 4th Period 11:35-12:25
- 5th Period 12:28-1:18
- 6th Period 1:21-2:11
- 7th Period 2:14-3:04
- 4/10-7:00-Girls LAX Bake Sale, 8:00-280 Honor Roll Assembly
- 4/11-8:00-278 Honor Roll Assembly, 8:00 pm-278 Senior Prom
- 4/12-Half Day Prof. Development – Dismissal at 12:02 12:30-282 Language Placement Test (12:30-1:45, Math Placement Test (2-3:45)
School Store Hours: MWF 7:30-7:55 AM and 3:10-3:30 PM
Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 11:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Linda Kolsky, Office Secretary (lkolsky@philasd.org). REFER TO DAILY BULLETIN on centralhigh.net for more information.
- Job Opportunity – 281 Class Sponsor – See job opportunity board – Deadline 4/15/19. Administration
- Support our athletic department fundraiser: 15% off all purchases at all Tri State Modell’s stores until 4/25. Link here: https://centralhs.philasd.org/athletics/chs-athletic-team-pages/girls-junior-varsity-basketball/ Health and Physical Education R. Johns (4/25)
- GIRL’S SOCCER: Any Girl interested in playing soccer next year, MUST attend a meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2019.
We will meet on Tuesday April 16, 2019 during HOMEROOM at 8:20 AM in Room# 51. ALL RETURNING PLAYERS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING. Any questions please see Mr. Johns. R. Johns (4/16) - Congratulations to the thirteen Central students who will be receiving an award for their artwork in the School District of Philadelphia’s Young Artists exhibition. The reception and award ceremony will take place on Friday, April 12th from 4 – 6 PM. All are welcome to attend!
- Congrats to Dru Shepler (280), Cordell Singleton (278), Zachary Cheatham (279), Christina Lao (278), Amelia Jeong (281), Layla Smith (280), Madolin Mast (278), Taylor Viz (278), Bry Estupinan (278), Annalisa Quinn (279), Jessica Mark (278), Anny Zhuo (278), and Estelle Guillot (280) A. Keefe (4/12)
- Calling all students! Wednesday, April 10th, elections for class and SA officer positions for the 2019-2020 school year will take place. You will cast your vote during your lunch period. The Philadelphia City Commissioners Office has furnished us with three voting booths and they will be set up in the 2nd floor Alcove. Please come over and vote! The voting booths will open at 8:15 and will remain open until 2:30. If you are leaving the building early due to a sport and will miss your lunch, you may come by during advisory to vote. Thank you for your support! G. Cervantes (4/10)
- Celebrating Central Auction, the Central Home & School’s largest fundraiser takes place on May 11 from 6-10 pm. Tickets are $65, and all money raised goes directly back to supporting the school. It’s being held at Penns Landing Caterers, 1301 S. Columbus Blvd. Visit the auction website (link found on the Central HSA website) to purchase tickets or donate. Thanks for your support! H&S (5/10)
- No checks are permitted for any payment after we return from Spring break – cash or money order only. A. Donato
- The packet for Class and SA Officer Elections is up on the Central High School website under Student Association Information. For class officer information, click the arrow next to SA Officer Elections. Elections are April 10th. Please see me for any questions. G. Cervantes (4/10)