Daily Bulletin Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Posted on April 24, 2018
Categories: Daily Bulletin


Daily Bulletin

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Any student ARRIVING TO SCHOOL AFTER 2ND PERIOD must report to Ms. Flowers in the main office to be marked present.  -President T. McKenna


HANDICAP PARKING: Please do not park in any handicap parking spot in the lower parking lot unless you have proper tags/clearance.  Multiple cars have been illegally parking in these reserved spots.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.  –N. Vanbuskirk

SCHOOL STORE HOURS – Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 7:30-8:00 AM; Tuesday, Thursday – 3:10-3:30 PM

Regular Advisory

Adv           8:00-8:25

1st              8:28-9:22

2nd             9:25-10:19

3rd              10:22-11:16

4th              11:19-12:13

5th              12:16-1:10

6th              1:13-2:07

7th              2:10-3:04

Tuesday, April 24
. LAB A (1/2 days NO LAB)

. 8:00am 279 Honor Roll Assembly Reg. Bell

. 3:15pm Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse vs. Girls High School

. 3:15pm JV Baseball vs.Bishop McDevitt

. 3:15pm Varsity Badminton at Northeast HS

. 3:15pm Varsity Baseball at Jenkintown HS

. 3:15pm Varsity Softball at Masterman
`Wednesday, April 25
. LAB B (1/2 days NO LAB)

. 8:00am 277 Honor Roll Assembly

. 3:15pm Boys Varsity Volleyball at Olney High School

Thursday, April 26
. LAB C (1/2 days NO LAB)

AACHS Committee Meeting

. 7:30am Swim Team Bake Sale

. 8:00am 278 Assembly Honor Roll/Prom – 60 MINUTE BELL

. 3:15pm Varsity Baseball vs Frankford

. 3:15pm Boys’ Lacrosse vs Boys’ Latin

. 3:15pm Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse vs Washington HS

. 3:15pm Varsity Badminton vs. South Philadelphia HS

. 3:15pm Varsity Softball at Lincoln HS

Friday, April 27
. LAB D (1/2 days NO LAB)

Professional Development – Half-day for Students

12:30pm 281 Language Placement Exam

2:00pm 281 Math Placement Test Auditorium

7:00pm Junior Prom 7-11 Reading Terminal Market



► Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 10:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Mrs. Patricia Clark, Office Secretary.

► REFER TO DAILY BULLETIN on centralhigh.net for more information.  Thanks.


► $100 ALLOTMENT: To All Staff, the deadline is fast approaching for submitting your receipts for the $100 Allotment that you received in September.  Please be advised that if you neglect to submit receipts, SDOP will deduct the $100 in your May or June 2018 check.

PACKING SLIPS:  To  Any Staff that has ordered supplies from various vendors, please understand that YOU NEED TO FORWARD ALL PACKING SLIPS to the SOO Office Immediately.  All outstanding orders MUST be closed and they will need to be posted in the “Advantage System”  prior to end of month.  There are numerous orders that must be closed.  Please comply.  -Adelina Donato, School Operations

►TRANSPASS LIST INFORMATION – SUBMIT TRANSPASS PACKETS TO THE MAIN OFFICE BY THE START OF 1ST PERIOD.  All students MUST initial next to their name on the enclosed printout. Circle the name of students that DID NOT receive their pass due to absence. If any student’s name is missing on the list, DO NOT ISSUE A TRANSPASS. Send student to the office. Thank You.

► Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 10:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Mrs. Patricia Clark, Office Secretary.


► Faculty: LIBRARY PASSES were placed in your mailbox. Please abide by the “Two per day” protocol. If  a student has a pressing need to utilize library resources simply fill in student library pass and send them on their way. Keep library passes in a safe place as there is a black market for library passes among the student body. Encourage students to use library before and after school:  Library hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Wednesdays 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  -J.R. Lobron

► PRETZEL SALE – ON FRIDAYS.  Price will be the same – 1 – $.75, 3 – $2.00.  -L. Kolsky


► CHS EARTH DAY is Friday 5/4/18! PatioFest! Veggie Cafe! Guest Speakers!
Here are some ways you can participate:

– Host a booth at PatioFest!
1. Clubs may apply for a booth using this form: https://goo.gl/forms/adD0yLrwU6fXgvKl1
– booths must relate to this year’s theme ‘Sustainable Philadelphia’

– Contribute to the Veggie Cafe!
1. Sign up to bring a dish or to volunteer at the event:  https://tinyurl.com/VegCafe2018
2. You may receive extra credit in science classes. Consult with your teacher.

– Help with decorations!
1. Come to room 402 during SEAS meetings (Thursdays).
2. Volunteer after school on Thursday 5/3/18.

► 277: THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE Amy Bunny Le for winning the Speaker at Large contest. She will represent you well on June 12, 2018. Good luck Bunny!  – G. Johnson-Smith

► Please show the following video to your advisory. It is Central Broadcast News report on the Winter Concert –
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEioUTiYyVg&t=9s.  -Mr. Trott

►  Last chance opportunities for Community Service.  VOLUNTEER TO WORK THE WATER STATION at Pattison Ave for the Broad St Run.  This group is different from Mr. McCray’s group.  Log on to www.broadstreetrun.com to register.  Go to the COMMUNITY link and click the “Volunteer” tab.  Choose the organization name (Central HS volleyball 1&2) from the drop down menu.  Look for the box for Sunday 5/6/18 and check off water station at Pattison ave.  See Mr. Leong in room 125 to confirm that you have registered. There will also be another last chance opportunity for community service on Sunday 5/13/18. -H. Leong

► Students you are invited to participate in  “Fumo’s Got Talent – Teen Edition on Monday, May 14 @ 4:30 p.m.
Three winners will receive a Target Gift Card. Fumo Family Library in South Philly. (2437 South Broad Street between Ritner & Porter).See Mr. Lobron at Barnwell Library for registration form. -J.R. Lobron

► Teachers and Students – IN CELEBRATION OF LAW WEEK, PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION’S YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION invites all Philadelphia area high school juniors and seniors to participate in this year’s Edward F. Chacker Essay Contest. The winner of this contest will receive a $1,000 College Scholarship and will read his or her essay at the naturalization ceremony at the federal courthouse on May 1, 2018! Please see the attached flyer for additional information and instructions. Please note, the deadline for submissions is April 20, 2018 at 12:00PM. Each submission should include a cover sheet with the student’s name, address, telephone number, and school. Essays can be sent by mail or email to: Tom Rogers, Philadelphia Bar Association, 1101 Market Street, 10th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107, trogers@philabar.org.
This year’s essay prompt has to do with the efficacy of the Constitution’s system of checks and balances.
See Mr.Lobron at Barnwell Library for more info.  -J. Lobron

► URGENT NEED FOR BLANKETS FOR SYRIAN REFUGEES – INTERNATIONAL DAY ACTION – In the spirit of Central’s International Day and solidarity with refugees, the Social Studies Department will be collecting clean, gently used blankets to fill an urgent need by Syrian refugees fleeing warfare near Damascus. The blankets need to be collected now so they can arrive at the refugee camps before the cold weather in September/October.

There are three ways you can help:  1. Donate blankets.  2. Donate money for shipping.  3. Volunteer to help pack the shipping container (date TBA).  Please stop by Room 210 this week with your donations, and to sign up to volunteer. See NarenjTree.org for more info. Thanks for your generosity!  -T. Quinn

► FREE ATHLETIC PHYSICALS on Sunday June 10, 2018, 8:30 at Wells Fargo – Forms available soon.  –R. Drayton

► SENIORS (277) GRADUATION CONTEST AWARDS – Contests for which students must sit/be present –
1. Omin Brother/Sisterhood Essay Award – 4/4/18 (3:10pm) Ms. Haskins – rm. 203
2. English Philology Award – 4/5/18 (3:10pm) Dr. Hall rm. 102
3. Disharoon for Creative Writing – 4/10/18 – (3:10pm) Mrs. Johnson-Smith – rm. 105
4. Barsky English Award – 4/11/18 – (3:10pm) Mr. McElhenny rm. 226
5. Speaker at Large and James Roebuck Oratorical Contest – 4/16/18 – (3:10pm) English teacher panel – rm. 105
Contests for which students must submit entries – ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN HARDCOPY BY April 20, 2018 3:04pm – Creative Writing – 1) Short Story ( 1 – 4 pages); 2) poetry (single entry); 3) portfolio ( poetry and/or short stories – 5 entries). All entries must be typed with the student name, student homeroom number, and English teacher’s name. If you have any questions, please see your English teacher and/or Mrs. Johnson-Smith at your earliest convenience.   –G. Johnson-Smith

► VOLUNTEER FOR 2018 BLUE CROSS BROAD STREET RUN – Students who are interested in volunteer work for community service hours at the Broad Street Run on Sunday May 6th, 2018 need to log on to http://www.broadstreetrun.com/volunteer/registration.cfm
and register. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Go to the COMMUNITY link and click the ‘Volunteer’ tab. Fill out your information and please choose the organization name (Central High School Track Team) from the drop down menu. Students, YOU SHOULD NOT choose a job because they will automatically assign you to the group job  “Gear Check”.  We do the duty of checking in and returning the personal belongings of the runners. Any questions, please contact Mr. McCray in my office Rm 60 in the gym or email at fmccray@philasd.org. Thank you.  –F. McCray

► CAFETERIA – Staff – If you are letting a student out of class during a LUNCH PERIOD to get lunch, please send student with a note.  –Ms. Williams, Cafeteria Manager

► SUMMER RESIDENTIAL iCAMP ACADEMY for current 11th grade students. iCamp Summer Media Academy: a free week-long summer residential academy at West Chester University (WCU) July 8-14, 2018. The academy is ideal for students who want to develop media skills (games, video, podcasts and audio, web content, etc.) and to share an interest in social change and issues of equity, access, and empowerment.  http://icampwcu.org/

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G1y7tamWfcK10L6RFu8YIc_reejT7YpP/view?usp=sharing.  –A. Keefe

► Students, Faculty, and Staff – JOIN BARNWELL LIBRARY GOOGLE CLASSROOM today!  Access Barnwell LIbrary Card catalog. Access multiple databases for finding legitimate (scholarly) sources of information – Use Barnwell Library and Free Library of Philadelphia resources – Navigate to Google Classroom. Join new class. Use class code: c4dq9e5.  –J. Lobron

► REMAINDER OF THE YEAR – 305 Theater – The school day may end at 3:04, but theater begins in Room 305 (305 Theater)
Attention all performers in search of a stage and creators in search of performers, come together every Monday after school in Room 305. This is not a club, it is a service provided by the Performing Arts Department of Central High School.
For more information see Mr. Burns Rm. 305 (6.18)

► THE FINANCIAL LITERACY & ENTREPRENEURSHIP CLUB will meet every Friday after school in Room 211. Learn how to build wealth with students from Penn’s Wharton School!  -T. Quinn

► RECYCLING PSA: NO TRASH IN RECYCLING BINS, ONLY RECYCLABLES. The Recycling Club will pick up recyclables from classrooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On these days, please place your recycling bin outside the classroom if leaving the door unlocked is a problem! Thank you for your cooperation! – Recycling Club – REMINDER: Recyclables include paper, cardboard, empty plastic bottles, and empty cans. Trash includes chip bags, candy wrappers, tissues, food waste, and pizza boxes.  –J. Campbell


► THE FUTURE LATINO LEADERS LAW CAMP HOSTED BY THE HISPANIC NATIONAL BAR FOUNDATION provides Latino high school students from across the country the opportunity to learn more about the legal profession through a nine-day all expenses paid summer enrichment program in Washington, DC. It will be held from July 7-15, 2018.   In order to apply and participate, you must meet the following requirements –  Be a high school student in good standing currently enrolled as a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior – Have an interest in learning about law school and entering the legal profession (the student will provide details on this in their essay responses) – Be a U.S. citizen, legal permanent resident, or have other valid immigration authorization, and MUST have government-issued identification; and – Have a demonstrated interest in helping your community and building your leadership skills. This application is due on April 29, 2018 and is accessible through the following link: http://hnbf.org/lawcampinfo/ -Ms. Chasan

► The OUT4STEM PROGRAM is now accepting applications for summer internships!  The aim of this program is to provide Philadelphia’s LGBTQ youth with STEM-centered mentorship, academic support and career advice in an inclusive, safe space. Students currently in 9th – 12th grades are eligible to apply for the Out4STEM Internship Program at http://bit.ly/2HTcEw3.  Applications are due at 5pm on April 30, 2018.  Apply NOW!  -H. Wardlaw

► THE FORENSIC SCIENCE MENTORING INSTITUTE (FMI) is a non-profit, 7-week, academic program that specializes in teaching the forensic sciences to local high school students. They are offering their annual forensic sciences summer program TUITION FREE for the first time ever. The selection process will be based on merit and student applications as they are seeking dedicated students who have a passion for science, and who would benefit from a hands-on learning environment in a state-of-the-art laboratory. All students in the program will be paired with a mentor and will learn from actual forensic scientists using the same cutting-edge instrumentation deployed in real crime labs.

This is a unique opportunity for students who would like to get a head start by learning the investigational and analytical techniques taught in college-level courses, and the FMI program serves as an invaluable and ongoing resource for college prep. Students are also taught public speaking as they present their research findings, take trips to local universities, enjoy a picnic day, perform in the program talent show, visit the nation’s top private forensic lab (NMS Labs) and act as expert witnesses by presenting their case in a mock court setting in front of a judge with their friends and family watching. They are actively seeking student applicants within the Philadelphia School District and can offer scholarships to qualified students who need assistance with transportation to their teaching facility in Willow Grove, PA.

ELIGIBILITY: Currently enrolled in high school – Sixteen years of age or older by June 25, 2018 – Completion or evidence of enrollment in biology, chemistry, and algebra with passing grades. Availability throughout the duration of the program (weekdays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm). The deadline to apply is April 30th, 2018. Application is available at: https://centerforforensicscienceresearcheducation.formstack.com/forms/untitled_form_2_copy_1.  –E. Chasan

► Do you know of a minority student with a 3.0 GPA or above, who may be interested in pursuing a business degree in college? THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS AND POINT PARK UNIVERSITY are once again sponsoring a FREE, in-residence, summer camp for high school students. Camp dates are June 24th – June 29th, 2018, and the location is Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA.  Please use the below contact information if you are interested in this program.  -H. Wardlaw

►277 SCHOLARSHIP AND COLLEGE INFO POSTINGS are available on the Central HS Counselors 277 Google Classroom. For questions or access please contact Ms. Chasan.