Daily Bulletin Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Daily Bulletin
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Any student ARRIVING TO SCHOOL AFTER 2ND PERIOD must report to Ms. Flowers in the main office to be marked present. -President T. McKenna
HANDICAP PARKING: Please do not park in any handicap parking spot in the lower parking lot unless you have proper tags/clearance. Multiple cars have been illegally parking in these reserved spots. Thank you for your attention to this matter. –N. Vanbuskirk
SCHOOL STORE HOURS – Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 7:30-8:00 AM; Tuesday, Thursday – 3:10-3:30 PM
Regular Advisory
Adv 8:00-8:25
1st 8:28-9:22
2nd 9:25-10:19
3rd 10:22-11:16
4th 11:19-12:13
5th 12:16-1:10
6th 1:13-2:07
7th 2:10-3:04
02/13/18 Tue
Blood Drive
· LAB A (1/2 days NO LAB)
· 7:30am Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team Bake Sale
· 3:15pm English 2Honors and AP
· 6:30pm HSA Mtg. Spain CC
02/14/18 Wed
Valentine’s Day
· LAB B (1/2 days NO LAB)
· 7:30am ASAO Bake Sale
· 8:00am AP Assembly Auditorium 46 Minute Bell
· 3:30pm Debate
► On February 14th, there will be a meeting in the Auditorium for all students currently enrolled in an AP CLASS to talk about testing. Students are also invited that are not currently in an AP class but would like to take an AP exam should attend the meeting in the auditorium. –T. Harrington
► Students, Faculty, and Staff – JOIN BARNWELL LIBRARY GOOGLE CLASSROOM today! Access Barnwell LIbrary Card catalog. Access multiple databases for finding legitimate (scholarly) sources of information – Use Barnwell Library and Free Library of Philadelphia resources – Navigate to Google Classroom. Join new class. Use class code: c4dq9e5. –J. Lobron
► Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 10:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Mrs. Patricia Clark, Office Secretary.
► REFER TO DAILY BULLETIN on centralhigh.net for more information. Thanks.
►TRANSPASS LIST INFORMATION – SUBMIT TRANSPASS PACKETS TO THE MAIN OFFICE BY THE START OF 1ST PERIOD. All students MUST initial next to their name on the enclosed printout. Circle the name of students that DID NOT receive their pass due to absence. If any student’s name is missing on the list, DO NOT ISSUE A TRANSPASS. Send student to the office. Thank You.
► Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 10:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Mrs. Patricia Clark, Office Secretary.
► Faculty: LIBRARY PASSES were placed in your mailbox. Please abide by the “Two per day” protocol. If a student has a pressing need to utilize library resources simply fill in student library pass and send them on their way. Keep library passes in a safe place as there is a black market for library passes among the student body. Encourage students to use library before and after school: Library hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Wednesdays 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. -J.R. Lobron
► PRETZEL SALE – ON FRIDAYS. Price will be the same – 1 – $.75, 3 – $2.00. -L. Kolsky
► LOST KEYS found in the Barnwell Library. These are institutional keys on a brass key ring attached Central lanyard. Two of the keys are stamped with “West Philadelphia Locksmith”. One of the keys is marked with “LOWE’S”. See Lobron in the Library or call extension 1760 to claim your keys.
► CONGRATULATIONS – The English Department would like to congratulate Adela Qalliaj (homeroom 12-11) on winning Central’s Shakespeare Oratorical contest. Great job Adela! More fun with the bard coming soon! -G. Johnson-Smith
► Students – THE ENGLISH HONORS/AP PLACEMENT TEST has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 3:15 in the auditorium. Remember to bring a blue or black pen. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please see your English teacher or Mrs. Johnson-Smith (room 110) at your earliest convenience. –G. Johnson-Smith
► Anyone interested in being a manager for JV Baseball this Spring please contact Jeffbracciale@gmail.com. Community service hours are available. –R. Weiss
► REMAINDER OF THE YEAR – 305 Theater – The school day may end at 3:04, but theater begins in Room 305 (305 Theater)
Attention all performers in search of a stage and creators in search of performers, come together every Monday after school in Room 305. This is not a club, it is a service provided by the Performing Arts Department of Central High School.
For more information see Mr. Burns Rm. 305 (6.18)
► ATTENTION 278 PROSPECTIVE NHS MEMBERS: Please be advise that our meeting location and time has been changed. We will now be meeting in the AUDITORIUM instead of the Spain conference room. We will have a brief meeting AFTER the 278 assembly. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Truong (vtruong@philasd.org, room 89). Thanks.
► THE FINANCIAL LITERACY & ENTREPRENEURSHIP CLUB will meet every Friday after school in Room 211. Learn how to build wealth with students from Penn’s Wharton School! -T. Quinn
► AFRICAN-AMERICAN POETRY CONTEST – The African-American Poetry contest, sponsored by the Central High School English Department, will take place from January 11 – February 28, 2018. Students will need to write and submit one original poem that speaks to the spirit of African-American History Month. The contest is open to Central student participants of all ethnic groups in 9th through 12th grade. Winners in the senior class may also get graduation awards! Please see your English teacher or Mrs. Johnson-Smith (room 110) for details.
MORDECHAI ANIELEWICZ CREATIVE ARTS COMPETITION – Do you see a connection between the Holocaust and it’s historical experience and contemporary social and political issues? If so, ask your English teacher or Mrs. Johnson-Smith (110) for details on submitting a/an essay, short story, poem, or dramatic script that expresses these connections. Contest ends March 6, 2018.
–G. Johnson-Smith
► RECYCLING PSA: NO TRASH IN RECYCLING BINS, ONLY RECYCLABLES. The Recycling Club will pick up recyclables from classrooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On these days, please place your recycling bin outside the classroom if leaving the door unlocked is a problem! Thank you for your cooperation! – Recycling Club – REMINDER: Recyclables include paper, cardboard, empty plastic bottles, and empty cans. Trash includes chip bags, candy wrappers, tissues, food waste, and pizza boxes. –J. Campbell
►The application for to the WEST POINT SUMMER LEADERS EXPERIENCE (or “SLE”) is now available online! West Point’s SLE gives high school juniors a week to experience life as a cadet to inform their college selection decision. SLE is a fast-paced program of academic classes, military instruction, physical fitness training, and intramural athletics conducted during the month of June each year. Interested students must have standardized test scores to be considered for SLE. The application may be found here or at https://candidate.usma.edu/guest/SLS/dad_sls_part1.cfm. The application deadline for the SLE is Friday, March 30, 2018. Candidates have the option of picking one of two sessions – Session 1: June 2-8, 2018 – Session 2: June 9-15, 2018 – Please find answers to “Frequently Asked Questions” linked here. If you have any questions about the SLE, or West Point Admissions in general, please direct them to David Williams at david.williams@klinespecter.com. David C. Williams – Kline & Specter, P.C. – 1525 Locust Street, 19th Floor – Philadelphia, PA 19102 – 215.772.2472 (Direct Dial) – 215.735.5827 (Fax) – david.williams@klinespecter.com. –H. Wardlaw
► Dear Parents – You are invited to attend the “PARENT COLLEGE NIGHT IN SPANISH,” hosted at Olney Charter High School in Philadelphia. The Parent College Night in Spanish will be an opportunity to meet with university representatives at Philadelphia area universities. Parents and guardians will hear from Spanish-speaking representatives about the U.S. university admissions process and U.S. financial aid process. You will also be able to ask questions of university representatives and alumni.
Where: Olney Charter High School; Address: 100 E. Duncannon Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120; Date: Thursday, February 15, 2018; When: 6:30 pm check-in, Program begins at 7:00 pm, Program ends at 8:30 pm; How to register: Visit https://apply.swarthmore.edu/register/NocheUniversitariaDeFiladelfia18 to register for the program. Registration is strongly encouraged, and the registration form is in both Spanish and English. You may also call Chris Capron at 610-328-8005 to register or email Chris at espanol@swarthmore.edu Chris speaks both Spanish and English. The following universities and colleges are scheduled to be available to meet with parents – Arcadia University (Glenside, PA); Bryn Athyn College (Bryn Athyn, PA); Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, PA); Cabrini University (Radnor, PA); Community College of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA); Delaware Valley University (Doylestown, PA); Eastern University (Wayne, PA); La Salle University (Philadelphia, PA); Manor College (Jenkintown, PA); Rosemont College (Bryn Mawr, PA); Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, PA); The University of the Arts (Philadelphia, PA); University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA); Villanova University (Villanova, PA). Space is limited, so please register today. The entire presentation will be conducted in Spanish. Counselors, advisors, and students are also welcome to attend, but registration is encouraged. Sincerely – Andrew Moe, Associate Dean of Admissions, Swarthmore College -H. Wardlaw
► SUMMERSCIENCE@JEFFERSON RECOMMENDATION FORM – Application Deadline – March 30, 2018 – You are being requested by a student in your high school to complete a recommendation form for their acceptance into the SummerScience@Jefferson program. The student can provide you with an overview of this program. Based on your knowledge of the student, please complete the recommendation form below.
APPLICANT NAME – HIGH SCHOOL – INDIVIDUAL COMPLETING THE RECOMMENDATION – CONTACT EMAIL – RELATIONSHIP TO THE APPLICANT – From your interactions/observations with this applicant, please rate the applicant on the following:
(Please respond to all questions.)
Very High | Very High | Average | Low | |
Demonstrated interest in the sciences & research | ||||
Demonstrated level of academic ability | ||||
Demonstrated respect and appropriateness of classroom behavior | ||||
Demonstrated ability to collaborate as a member of a team | ||||
Likelihood of benefitting academically from this program | ||||
Likelihood of benefitting personally from this program |
In 500 words or less, please describe why you recommend this student to participate in the SummerScience@Jefferson program and how this program can be beneficial to his/her collegiate and career goals. See Counselor Wardlaw for more details.
►277 SCHOLARSHIP AND COLLEGE INFO POSTINGS are available on the Central HS Counselors 277 Google Classroom. For questions or access please contact Ms. Chasan.