MAY 6, 2019
- Homeroom 8:00-8:53
- 1st Period 8:56-9:46
- 2nd Period 9:49-10:39
- 3rd Period 10:42-11:32
- 4th Period 11:35-12:25
- 5th Period 12:28-1:18
- 6th Period 1:21-2:11
- 7th Period 2:14-3:04
- 5/6-5/10-8:00-AP/IB Testing
- 5/7-5/9-Interim Reports
- 5/9-7:00-Girls Lacrosse Bake Sale
- 5/11-6:00 PM-Central Auction
School Store Hours: MWF 7:30-7:55 AM and 3:10-3:30 PM
Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 11:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Linda Kolsky, Office Secretary (lkolsky@philasd.org). REFER TO DAILY BULLETIN on centralhigh.net for more information.
- The RoboLancers annual Dorney Park ticket sale is on! This is always a popular purchase as families and friends plan summer outings together. Purchase “Any Day Tickets” which are good any single day during the 2019 season, getting you into both Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom. Tickets are $36 (deeply discounted from the online Any Day Ticket price of $49 or the gate price of $60). Purchase now through May 17th from Ms. Coutts (Rm 134) during Homeroom or from Mr. Johnson (office behind 85/89) after school. We can accept cash or money order only. Tickets will be delivered May 29th (the day grades close). M. Johnson (5/17)
- Dear Faculty and Substitutes for Faculty,
Please do not excuse students from your classes en masse without advising them to avoid the Barnwell Library. Students who cut or are encouraged to leave classes are not welcome at Barnwell as they typically come here to socialize.
Many students rely on the library as a sanctuary of quiet and order in which they may study in earnest. Of late there has been a dramatic spike in the number of students being “let out” of their rostered classes. We do monitor student usage throughout the day. Thank you for your consideration in this manner. J. Lobron (5/10) - Last chance opportunities to earn community service. Volunteer to work the “More than Pink Walk” (formerly the Race for the Cure) on Sunday 5/12. Please see Mr. Leong in room 125 if you’re interested. H. Leong (5/12)
- ATTENTION SOPHOMORES: Per School District of Philadelphia guidelines, all 11th graders are required to provide proof an updated physical exam. Please turn in a physical form available on the school district website signed by a medical provider to the nurses’ office upon return to school your junior year.
- ATTENTION JUNIORS: Per the School District of Philadelphia’s vaccination requirements, all incoming seniors must show proof of meningitis vaccine received after age 16. Please submit your proof of immunization or exemption to the nurses’ office within the first week of your senior year. Leigh A. Coakley, RN (6/1)
- Students: As the temperature goes up please dress appropriately to school. Our dress code is on pages 22-23 of your agenda, stay out of trouble by following the dress code. Mr. Julien/Discipline Office
- Join me in congratulating Ben Blazer for being selected to receive the 2018-19 Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching! He will be recognized on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at The Philadelphia Film Center in center city. Congratulations Ben! Administration
- Celebrating Central Auction, the Central Home & School’s largest fundraiser takes place on May 11 from 6-10 pm. Tickets are $65, and all money raised goes directly back to supporting the school. It’s being held at Penns Landing Caterers, 1301 S. Columbus Blvd. Visit the auction website (link found on the Central HSA website) to purchase tickets or donate. Thanks for your support! H&S (5/10)
- No checks are permitted for any payment after we return from Spring break – cash or money order only. A. Donato