MARCH 6, 2019
- Homeroom 8:00-8:53
- 1st Period 8:56-9:46
- 2nd Period 9:49-10:39
- 3rd Period 10:42-11:32
- 4th Period 11:35-12:25
- 5th Period 12:28-1:18
- 6th Period 1:21-2:11
- 7th Period 2:14-3:04-Dismissal
- 6th to 7th – 8:00-Women’s Week – Spain CC
- 3/6-10:00-Big Fish Musical
- 3/7-3:30-Big Fish Musical
- 3/8-8:00-Women’s Day, 7:00-Big Fish Musical
- 3/9-7:00 pm-Big Fish Musical
School Store Hours: MWF 7:30-7:55 AM and 3:10-3:30 PM
Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 11:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Linda Kolsky, Office Secretary (lkolsky@philasd.org). REFER TO DAILY BULLETIN on centralhigh.net for more information. Thanks.
- Central’s fourth annual Central-THON takes place on April 4th from 12-4 in the wrestling gym and will feature prizes, raffles, games, and performances. This dance marathon benefits the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia as well as our partner schools in the Dominican Republic. Central-THON shirts are available for purchase in room 211; the cost is $10. We hope to see you all there! Dr. Drago (4-4)
- As part of the Central’s International Women’s Week, along the main hallway there is an art exhibition celebrating notable women. Art 2 students made these drawings representing women who personally inspire them. The drawings will be made into linocut prints over the next two weeks. We hope you take time to enjoy the students’ works and read their statements. A. Keefe (3/7)
- If you are interested in taking a science honors or AP course next year, go to the Science Department page on Centralhigh.net. There you will find information about entrance exams test dates along with application due dates for Honors & AP Chemistry, Honors & AP Physics, Honors Pharmacology, Honors Forensic Science, Honors Astronomy, AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, and Science Research. Please see Ms. Bonner in room 83 if you have any questions. D. Bonner (3/22)
- Congratulations to Maddie Mast (278) for having her artwork selected as a finalist for the Imprint Exhibition at the Wharton Esherick Museum. Maddie’s reductive linocut is titled “Look Up”. There will an opening reception at the museum on March 10th at 2 PM. A. Keefe (3/8)
- Central will be holding a series of events for International Women’s Week until March 8th:
Wednesday 3/6: Speaker on Human Trafficking in Spain Conference Center during Homeroom
Thursday 3/7: Symposium on Consent in Student Relationships held in Spain Conference Center during 1st-3rd period. An application is required to attend. Please email Mr. Hung at khung@philasd.org for an application.
Friday 3/8: Women’s Career Day speakers in selected classrooms 1st-3rd period.
In addition, Ms. Keefe’s classes will feature a display of art featuring significant women in history. Donations will be taken in the Main Corridor for Laurel House, a women’s shelter from May 4-15th. K. Hung (3/8) - New Art Exhibition will be on display in the cases along the main hallway. Artworks by students in the Art 3 Honors course will be exhibited from now until March 15th. We hope you take a moment to enjoy the work. A. Keefe (3/15)
- Shakespeare Oratorical Competition:
Are you a spoken word poet? Do you love the language of William Shakespeare? Do you need extra credit? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then ask your English teacher or Mrs. Johnson-Smith (room 110) about the annual Shakespeare Oratorical Competition, which will be held at 3:10 on Thursday, March 21, 2019 in room 101. Winners in the senior class may also get graduation awards! (3/21) - Seniors (278) Graduation Contest Awards
Contests for which students must sit/present –
1. Barsky English Award – 3/18/19 – (3:10pm) Mr. McElhenny rm. 226
2. Disharoon for Creative Writing – 3/19/19 – (3:10pm) Mrs. Johnson-Smith – rm. 105
3. Speaker at Large and James Roebuck Oratorical Contest – 3/20/19 – (3:10pm) English teacher panel – rm. 105
4. Omin Brother/Sisterhood Essay Award – 3/22/19 (3:10pm) Ms. Haskins – rm. 203 - Contests for which students must submit entries –
1. John Haney Poetry – one original poem
2. Harry Kapustin Award – best original poem
3. Dena Rennota White Creative Writing – best poetry and/or short story portfolio (3/25)
All entries must be typed with the student’s name, student’s homeroom number, and student’s English teacher’s name.
If you have any questions, please see your English teacher and/or Mrs. Johnson-Smith (room 110) at your earliest convenience.