SEPTEMBER 26, 2018
Homeroom 8:00-8:53
1st Period 8:56-9:46
2nd Period 9:49-10:39
3rd Period 10:42-11:32
4th Period 11:35-12:25
5th Period 12:28-1:18
6th Period 1:21-2:11
7th Period 2:14-3:04
9/26-9/28-Senior Portraits in Wrestling Gym – 8:00-2:15
9/26-Cap & Gown Assembly-8:00, Soph, Jr., Sr.-Open Homeroom
9/27-All students open homeroom
9/28-Health Screenings-Nurse-8:30-12:30 – Transpass Dist.
SCHOOL STORE HOURS: M-F 7:30-8:00 /3:10-3:30-M, T, TH, FRI
Submit information for the DAILY BULLETIN before 11:30 am. Please include DATES and TIME. Send email to Linda Kolsky, Office Secretary (lkolsky@philasd.org). REFER TO DAILY BULLETIN on centralhigh.net for more information. Thanks.
Attention class 278! This Friday the nurses’ office is hosting nursing students from Villanova University to assist us in completing our annual state mandated health screenings. The screenings will take place in the Spain conference room from 9:30 12:30. On Friday, please check if your homeroom teacher has appointment slips. If you have a test during your scheduled screening, PLEASE TAKE YOUR TEST FIRST and come for your screening after. Bring your glasses, if you wear them.
Senior advisors: Please check your box on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning for appointment slips to be given out during homeroom. We will be screening approximately half of our seniors, so not all homerooms will be included. If a senior in your class is scheduled for a health screening, please excuse them to do so. If their appointment is scheduled during a test, please have them take the test FIRST, and they can complete their screening after. Thank you ALL for your assistance in this MASS SCREENING event! Leigh A. Coakley, RN and Rodney Abary, CRNP (9/28)
- The first meeting of S.E.A.S. (Student Environmental Action Society) will take place on Thursday 9/27/18 at 3:04 in room 402. Come to participate in environmental action projects, and earn community service (for projects). We will be doing some garden maintenance on the east Patio. Be prepared to get dirty. Gloves provided. Further gardening will occur on Friday 9/28 during homeroom (after transpass distribution). Join the S.E.A.S. classroom for direct updates. Code = c754g1e Ms. Cohen (gmcohen@philasd.org) (9/28)
- The Social Justice Leadership Institute of the American Friends Service Committee will focus on developing youth leadership through intensive, interactive, and interpersonal social justice training. They will be working with a group of 20 young people between the ages of 14 and 20. The 9-month cohort will meet weekly 4:30 to 6:30, and complete two collaborative projects during their term that will showcase the skills and tools learned through participation in the Institute. Participants will receive a monthly stipend as well as transportation assistance and meals. Apply by Wednesday October 10th, 2018 at 10 PM. The application can be found at http://afsc.org/sjli or contact Crystal at cagosto@afsc.org. Come to the information session on Tuesday during Homeroom in Room 209. T. Quinn (10/10)
- ENTREPRENEURSHIP CLUB! – First meeting this Friday 9/28, after school in Rm 224 – A collaboration between the FS Foundation and the Penn Wharton School of Business, FS Financial Scholars aims to provide Philadelphia high school students and their families with the tools needed to generate greater wealth and achieve financial empowerment. The purpose of this program is to provide a framework for students to develop their business ideas. Sponsors: T. Quinn and L. Sheldon-Matje (9/28)
- Adelina Donato (Financial/Purchasing Specialist) is in the building every Tuesday and Thursday.
- Faculty/Staff: Students need a library pass to enter Barnwell Library during advisory.
Library passes have been distributed to all advisory teachers. If you did not receive passes send a student to the library. The rationale for library passes has always been and continues to be predicated upon the library’s limited capacity of 120 people. There are 76 advisories. 2 x 76 = 152. Therefore be judicious. Send only one or two people to the library. Thank you for your cooperation in this regard. - Students: You need a library pass to enter Barnwell Library during advisory.
The rationale for library passes has always been and continues to be predicated upon the library’s limited capacity of 120 people. As our primary mission is to provide a quiet and orderly environment we must maintain limits on usage.
Thank you for your cooperation in asking your advisor for a library pass. J. Lobron (10/1) - Faculty: Please desist from placing on students the responsibility of printing curricular materials. Access to the Barnwell library printer is designed to accommodate students with written essays, summaries, synopses, lab reports etc.; not worksheets and instructional materials. The responsibility of printing and disseminating relevant instructional materials is your responsibility. We are unable to maintain the current level of usage. Thank you for your cooperation. J. Lobron (9/27)
- All students, please join the SA Google Classroom page. Keep up to date with student activities around school. The code is 3x4v9oe Ms. G. Cervantes (9/26)
- Earn community service and learn about the artworks and objects in Central’s collection. I am looking to work with a team of 5-10 students to help photograph, catalogue, research and develop a database that represents the works in our school’s art collection. We will also learn how to care for and preserve the objects. We will meet during advisory periods on Wednesdays. I am seeking students with natural curiosity, good work ethic, who are team players and have good attendance and punctuality to school. If you are interested in art, art history, Central’s history, or research projects in general – even better! I hope to hear from you. Please find me in room 8 or email me at akeefe@philasd.org Ms. A. Keefe (9/28)
- Study abroad opportunity: CIEE will be here in the Spain Center, September 26, to present their program and ways to win scholarships. They offer language and culture, science, and service and leadership programs in a host of countries every summer. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Mrs. Rodríguez (9/26)
- Debate Team: There will be an informational meeting about the Debate Team after school in rm. 224 on Wednesday, September 26th for anyone interested in competing in the Debate League this season. Ms. Sheldon-Matje (9/26)
- Boys Lacrosse: There will be an informational meeting after school in 204 on Wednesday September 26 for anyone interested in playing for the Boys Lacrosse Team this year, S. Innamarato (9/26)
- Seniors: Yearbook retakes will be completed here at Central on Monday, September 24th through Friday, September 28th. Please call Lifetouch Studio at 1-800-334-1531 to schedule an appointment. Photos will be taken in the Wrestling Gym between the hours of 8:00 – 2:15 daily. (9/28)
- Faculty/Staff: Yearbook photos will be taken for ANY NEW Faculty and Staff, as well as any returning Faculty and Staff on Monday, September 24th through Friday, September 28th, in the Wrestling Gym. Please drop in, whenever you are free, between the hours of 8:00 – 2:15 daily.
All Faculty & Underclassmen Yearbook photos for Homeroom students and their advisors will be taken on the following dates:- Wednesday 10/17 279
- Thursday 10/18 280
- Friday 10/19 281
- All Faculty & Seniors: The Superpan Photo will be taken on the South Lawn and in the Gym on Wednesday, October 24th; rain date October 25th. Seniors should meet MR. Horwits, in the Auditorium at 8:00 AM, wearing their Central Spirit gear. P. Cameron (10/25)